Some edits

This commit is contained in:
haitem 2021-01-31 15:12:34 +01:00
parent 684c17bf85
commit 97f67f18a2
2 changed files with 159 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
- target: {fileID: 6364420394033728396, guid: bfdc29a51fc8dab47b1ca7fc9509e157,
type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
value: 26
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- target: {fileID: 6364420394033728396, guid: bfdc29a51fc8dab47b1ca7fc9509e157,
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@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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propertyPath: m_RootOrder
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@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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propertyPath: m_RootOrder
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@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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--- !u!1 &578153793
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--- !u!1001 &643948503
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--- !u!1001 &690933341
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--- !u!1001 &802075196
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--- !u!1 &1435707326
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type: 3}
@ -6407,7 +6509,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
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@ -6574,7 +6676,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
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@ -6589,7 +6691,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z
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- target: {fileID: 6695479724104099607, guid: 94642d7ef8c97e544af1d5ca3596a37f,
type: 3}
@ -7485,7 +7587,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
value: 29
value: 31
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 8000970721633820988, guid: f1921397dd03b054c87b4ce2e3d72adc,
type: 3}
@ -7500,7 +7602,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z
value: 0.28
value: 0
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- target: {fileID: 8000970721633820988, guid: f1921397dd03b054c87b4ce2e3d72adc,
type: 3}
@ -7559,7 +7661,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
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type: 3}
@ -7574,7 +7676,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z
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- target: {fileID: 7120608647080996506, guid: 597897b562955934fae65d62e0a8e3cd,
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@ -7819,7 +7921,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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type: 3}
propertyPath: m_RootOrder
value: 8
value: 12
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 8000970721633820988, guid: f1921397dd03b054c87b4ce2e3d72adc,
type: 3}
@ -7834,7 +7936,7 @@ PrefabInstance:
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type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalPosition.z
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View File

@ -316,6 +316,7 @@ public class PlayerManager : MonoBehaviour
if ((powerType.GetHashCode() - 1) == 3)
DataManager.Score(DataManager.Score() + 10);