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2020-01-31 15:10:04 +00:00
# Running tests from the command line
Its pretty simple to run a test project from the command line. Here is an example in Windows:
Unity.exe -runTests -batchmode -projectPath PATH_TO_YOUR_PROJECT -testResults C:\temp\results.xml -testPlatform PS4
For more information, see [Command line arguments](
## Commands
### batchmode
Runs Unity in batch mode and ensures no pop-up windows appear to eliminate the need for any human intervention.
### forgetProjectPath
Don't save your current **Project** into the Unity launcher/hub history.
### runTest
Runs tests in the Project.
### testCategory
A semicolon-separated list of test categories to include in the run. If using both `testFilter` and `testCategory`, then tests only run that matches both.
### testFilter
A semicolon-separated list of test names to run, or a regular expression pattern to match tests by their full name.
### testPlatform
The platform you want to run tests on. Available platforms are **EditMode** and **PlayMode**.
> **Note**: If unspecified, tests run in Edit Mode by default.
Platform/Type convention is from the [BuildTarget]( enum. Supported platforms are:
* StandaloneWindows
* StandaloneWindows64
* StandaloneLinux64
* StandaloneOSX
* iOS
* Android
* PS4
* XboxOne
### testResults
The path where Unity should save the result file. By default, Unity saves it in the Projects root folder.
### playerHeartbeatTimeout
The time, in seconds, the editor should wait for heartbeats after starting a test run on a player. This defaults to 10 minutes.
### testSettingsFile
Path to a *TestSettings.json* file that allows you to set up extra options for your test run. An example of the *TestSettings.json* file could look like this:
#### apiProfile
The .Net compatibility level. Set to one of the following values:
- 1 - .Net 2.0
- 2 - .Net 2.0 Subset
- 3 - .Net 4.6
- 5 - .Net micro profile (used by Mono scripting backend if **Stripping Level** is set to **Use micro mscorlib**)
- 6 - .Net Standard 2.0
#### appleEnableAutomaticSigning
Sets option for automatic signing of Apple devices.
#### appleDeveloperTeamID
Sets the team ID for the apple developer account.
#### architecture
Target architecture for Android. Set to one of the following values:
* None = 0
* ARMv7 = 1
* ARM64 = 2
* X86 = 4
* All = 4294967295
#### iOSManualProvisioningProfileType
Set to one of the following values:
* 0 - Automatic
* 1 - Development
* 2 - Distribution iOSManualProvisioningProfileID
#### scriptingBackend
Set to one of the following values:
- Mono2x = 0
- IL2CPP = 1
- WinRT DotNET = 2
#### useLatestScriptingRuntimeVersion
Sets option to always use the latest [Scripting Runtime Version](