using JetBrains.Annotations; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Playables; using UnityEngine.Timeline; namespace UnityEditor.Timeline { [CustomTimelineEditor(typeof(AnimationPlayableAsset)), UsedImplicitly] class AnimationPlayableAssetEditor : ClipEditor { public static readonly string k_NoClipAssignedError = LocalizationDatabase.GetLocalizedString("No animation clip assigned"); public static readonly string k_LegacyClipError = LocalizationDatabase.GetLocalizedString("Legacy animation clips are not supported"); static readonly string k_MotionCurveError = LocalizationDatabase.GetLocalizedString("You are using motion curves without applyRootMotion enabled on the Animator. The root transform will not be animated"); static readonly string k_RootCurveError = LocalizationDatabase.GetLocalizedString("You are using root curves without applyRootMotion enabled on the Animator. The root transform will not be animated"); /// public override ClipDrawOptions GetClipOptions(TimelineClip clip) { var clipOptions = base.GetClipOptions(clip); var asset = clip.asset as AnimationPlayableAsset; if (asset != null) clipOptions.errorText = GetErrorText(asset, clip.parentTrack as AnimationTrack, clipOptions.errorText); if (clip.recordable) clipOptions.highlightColor = DirectorStyles.Instance.customSkin.colorAnimationRecorded; return clipOptions; } /// public override void OnCreate(TimelineClip clip, TrackAsset track, TimelineClip clonedFrom) { var asset = clip.asset as AnimationPlayableAsset; if (asset != null && asset.clip != null && asset.clip.legacy) { asset.clip = null; Debug.LogError("Legacy Animation Clips are not supported"); } } string GetErrorText(AnimationPlayableAsset animationAsset, AnimationTrack track, string defaultError) { if (animationAsset.clip == null) return k_NoClipAssignedError; if (animationAsset.clip.legacy) return k_LegacyClipError; if (animationAsset.clip.hasMotionCurves || animationAsset.clip.hasRootCurves) { if (track != null && track.trackOffset == TrackOffset.Auto) { var animator = track.GetBinding(TimelineEditor.inspectedDirector); if (animator != null && !animator.applyRootMotion && !animationAsset.clip.hasGenericRootTransform) { if (animationAsset.clip.hasMotionCurves) return k_MotionCurveError; return k_RootCurveError; } } } return defaultError; } } }