# TestPlayerBuildModifier attribute You can use the `TestPlayerBuildModifier` attribute to accomplish a couple of different scenarios: ## Modify the Player build options for Play Mode tests It is possible to change the [BuildPlayerOptions](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/BuildPlayerOptions.html) for the test **Player**, to achieve custom behavior when running **Play Mode** tests. Modifying the build options allows for changing the target location of the build as well as changing [BuildOptions](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/BuildOptions.html). To modify the `BuildPlayerOptions`, do the following: * Implement the `ITestPlayerBuildModifier` * Reference the implementation type in a `TestPlayerBuildModifier` attribute on an assembly level. ### Example ```c# using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.TestTools; [assembly:TestPlayerBuildModifier(typeof(BuildModifier))] public class BuildModifier : ITestPlayerBuildModifier { public BuildPlayerOptions ModifyOptions(BuildPlayerOptions playerOptions) { if (playerOptions.target == BuildTarget.iOS) { playerOptions.options |= BuildOptions.SymlinkLibraries; // Enable symlink libraries when running on iOS } playerOptions.options |= BuildOptions.AllowDebugging; // Enable allow Debugging flag on the test Player. return playerOptions; } } ``` > **Note:** When building the Player, it includes all `TestPlayerBuildModifier` attributes across all loaded assemblies, independent of the currently used test filter. As the implementation references the `UnityEditor` namespace, the code is typically implemented in an Editor only assembly, as the `UnityEditor` namespace is not available otherwise. ## Split build and run for Play Mode tests It is possible to use the Unity Editor for building the Player with tests, without [running the tests](./workflow-run-playmode-test-standalone.md). This allows for running the Player on e.g. another machine. In this case, it is necessary to modify the Player to build and implement a custom handling of the test result. By using `TestPlayerBuildModifier`, you can alter the `BuildOptions` to not start the Player after the build as well as build the Player at a specific location. Combined with [PostBuildCleanup](./reference-setup-and-cleanup.md#prebuildsetup-and-postbuildcleanup), you can automatically exit the Editor on completion of the build. ### Example ```c# using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using Tests; using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.TestTools; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.TestTools; [assembly:TestPlayerBuildModifier(typeof(HeadlessPlayModeSetup))] [assembly:PostBuildCleanup(typeof(HeadlessPlayModeSetup))] namespace Tests { public class HeadlessPlayModeSetup : ITestPlayerBuildModifier, IPostBuildCleanup { private static bool s_RunningPlayerTests; public BuildPlayerOptions ModifyOptions(BuildPlayerOptions playerOptions) { // Do not launch the player after the build completes. playerOptions.options &= ~BuildOptions.AutoRunPlayer; // Set the headlessBuildLocation to the output directory you desire. It does not need to be inside the project. var headlessBuildLocation = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Application.dataPath, ".//..//PlayModeTestPlayer")); var fileName = Path.GetFileName(playerOptions.locationPathName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { headlessBuildLocation = Path.Combine(headlessBuildLocation, fileName); } playerOptions.locationPathName = headlessBuildLocation; // Instruct the cleanup to exit the Editor if the run came from the command line. // The variable is static because the cleanup is being invoked in a new instance of the class. s_RunningPlayerTests = true; return playerOptions; } public void Cleanup() { if (s_RunningPlayerTests && IsRunningTestsFromCommandLine()) { // Exit the Editor on the next update, allowing for other PostBuildCleanup steps to run. EditorApplication.update += () => { EditorApplication.Exit(0); }; } } private static bool IsRunningTestsFromCommandLine() { var commandLineArgs = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); return commandLineArgs.Any(value => value == "-runTests"); } } } ``` If the Editor is still running after the Play Mode tests have run, the Player tries to report the results back, using [PlayerConnection](https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Networking.PlayerConnection.PlayerConnection.html), which has a reference to the IP address of the Editor machine, when built. To implement a custom way of reporting the results of the test run, let one of the assemblies in the Player include a [TestRunCallback](./reference-attribute-testruncallback.md). At `RunFinished`, it is possible to get the full test report as XML from the [NUnit](http://www.nunit.org/) test result by calling `result.ToXml(true)`. You can save the result and then save it on the device or send it to another machine as needed.