using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using UnityEngine.UI.Collections; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace TMPro { /// /// Class for handling and scheduling text object updates. /// public class TMP_UpdateRegistry { private static TMP_UpdateRegistry s_Instance; private readonly List m_LayoutRebuildQueue = new List(); private Dictionary m_LayoutQueueLookup = new Dictionary(); private readonly List m_GraphicRebuildQueue = new List(); private Dictionary m_GraphicQueueLookup = new Dictionary(); //private bool m_PerformingLayoutUpdate; //private bool m_PerformingGraphicUpdate; /// /// Get a singleton instance of the registry /// public static TMP_UpdateRegistry instance { get { if (TMP_UpdateRegistry.s_Instance == null) TMP_UpdateRegistry.s_Instance = new TMP_UpdateRegistry(); return TMP_UpdateRegistry.s_Instance; } } /// /// Register to receive callback from the Canvas System. /// protected TMP_UpdateRegistry() { //Debug.Log("Adding WillRenderCanvases"); Canvas.willRenderCanvases += PerformUpdateForCanvasRendererObjects; } /// /// Function to register elements which require a layout rebuild. /// /// public static void RegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild(ICanvasElement element) { TMP_UpdateRegistry.instance.InternalRegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild(element); } private bool InternalRegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild(ICanvasElement element) { int id = (element as Object).GetInstanceID(); if (this.m_LayoutQueueLookup.ContainsKey(id)) return false; m_LayoutQueueLookup[id] = id; this.m_LayoutRebuildQueue.Add(element); return true; } /// /// Function to register elements which require a graphic rebuild. /// /// public static void RegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild(ICanvasElement element) { TMP_UpdateRegistry.instance.InternalRegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild(element); } private bool InternalRegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild(ICanvasElement element) { int id = (element as Object).GetInstanceID(); if (this.m_GraphicQueueLookup.ContainsKey(id)) return false; m_GraphicQueueLookup[id] = id; this.m_GraphicRebuildQueue.Add(element); return true; } /// /// Method to handle objects that need updating. /// private void PerformUpdateForCanvasRendererObjects() { //Debug.Log("Performing update of CanvasRenderer objects at Frame: " + Time.frameCount); // Processing elements that require a layout rebuild. //this.m_PerformingLayoutUpdate = true; for (int index = 0; index < m_LayoutRebuildQueue.Count; index++) { ICanvasElement element = TMP_UpdateRegistry.instance.m_LayoutRebuildQueue[index]; element.Rebuild(CanvasUpdate.Prelayout); } if (m_LayoutRebuildQueue.Count > 0) { m_LayoutRebuildQueue.Clear(); m_LayoutQueueLookup.Clear(); } // Update font assets before graphic rebuild // Processing elements that require a graphic rebuild. for (int index = 0; index < m_GraphicRebuildQueue.Count; index++) { ICanvasElement element = TMP_UpdateRegistry.instance.m_GraphicRebuildQueue[index]; element.Rebuild(CanvasUpdate.PreRender); } // If there are no objects in the queue, we don't need to clear the lists again. if (m_GraphicRebuildQueue.Count > 0) { m_GraphicRebuildQueue.Clear(); m_GraphicQueueLookup.Clear(); } } /// /// Method to handle objects that need updating. /// private void PerformUpdateForMeshRendererObjects() { Debug.Log("Perform update of MeshRenderer objects."); } /// /// Function to unregister elements which no longer require a rebuild. /// /// public static void UnRegisterCanvasElementForRebuild(ICanvasElement element) { TMP_UpdateRegistry.instance.InternalUnRegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild(element); TMP_UpdateRegistry.instance.InternalUnRegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild(element); } private void InternalUnRegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild(ICanvasElement element) { int id = (element as Object).GetInstanceID(); //element.LayoutComplete(); TMP_UpdateRegistry.instance.m_LayoutRebuildQueue.Remove(element); m_GraphicQueueLookup.Remove(id); } private void InternalUnRegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild(ICanvasElement element) { int id = (element as Object).GetInstanceID(); //element.GraphicUpdateComplete(); TMP_UpdateRegistry.instance.m_GraphicRebuildQueue.Remove(element); m_LayoutQueueLookup.Remove(id); } } }