# A component that reads Marlin status and messages from the uart. ![alt text](image.png) A configured uart is required. Example: ```yaml sensor: - platform: marlin2 uart_id: uart_bus #optional bed_temperature: name: Current Bed Temp bed_set_temperature: name: Set Bed Temp ext_temperature: name: Current Ext Temp ext_set_temperature: name: Set Ext Temp print_progress: name: Progress ``` Notes: * https://github.com/ssieb/esphome_components/tree/master/components/serial_csv * https://github.com/esphome/esphome/blob/dev/esphome/components/dht/sensor.py#L34 * https://github.com/mulcmu/esphome-marlin-uart Full COnfiguration: ```yaml esphome: name: vasek-ender-3 friendly_name: vasek-ender-3 external_components: - source: components esp8266: board: d1_mini # Enable logging logger: baud_rate: 0 esp8266_store_log_strings_in_flash: False # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "" ota: - platform: esphome password: "" wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password manual_ip: static_ip: gateway: subnet: # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "Vasek-Ender-3 Fallback Hotspot" password: "" captive_portal: web_server: port: 80 version: 3 uart: id: uart_bus tx_pin: GPIO1 rx_pin: GPIO3 baud_rate: 115200 switch: - platform: restart name: "Restart Printer" sensor: - platform: uptime type: seconds name: Uptime Sensor - platform: marlin2 uart_id: uart_bus bed_temperature: name: Current Bed Temp bed_set_temperature: name: Set Bed Temp ext_temperature: name: Current Ext Temp ext_set_temperature: name: Set Ext Temp ```