# Install project dependencies composer install --quiet --prefer-dist --no-dev -o npm install init=false if ! test -f /config/.env; then # Create Env File cp .env.example .env php artisan key:generate cp .env /config/.env init=true echo "Initialization" else cp /config/.env .env fi if [ $(grep -ic "DB_CONNECTION=sqlite" /var/www/html/.env) -gt 0 ] || [ "${DEPLOY_ENV}" == "sqlite"]; then if ! test -f "/var/www/html/database/database.sqlite" ; then echo " DB Initialization" init=true fi fi # Migrate Database php artisan migrate --force --no-interaction # Link storage and create default user if [ "$init" = true ]; then echo "Initialization of Laravel" # Install project build dependencies composer install --quiet --prefer-dist-o php artisan db:seed --force --class=DatabaseSeeder php artisan storage:link #clear build dependencies and install production dependencies rm -rf vendor/* composer install --quiet --prefer-dist --no-dev -o fi # Clear Cashes php artisan cache:clear php artisan config:clear php artisan route:clear php artisan view:clear # fix permissions chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html find /var/www/html -type f -not -name "*.sh" -exec chmod 664 {} + find /var/www/html -type d -exec chmod 775 {} + # Start Apache apache2-foreground