'use strict'; var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer, Stream = require('stream').Stream, url = require('url'), util = require('util'), Base = require('./base'), Headers = require('./headers'), HttpParser = require('../http_parser'); var PORTS = { 'ws:': 80, 'wss:': 443 }; var Proxy = function(client, origin, options) { this._client = client; this._http = new HttpParser('response'); this._origin = (typeof client.url === 'object') ? client.url : url.parse(client.url); this._url = (typeof origin === 'object') ? origin : url.parse(origin); this._options = options || {}; this._state = 0; this.readable = this.writable = true; this._paused = false; this._headers = new Headers(); this._headers.set('Host', this._origin.host); this._headers.set('Connection', 'keep-alive'); this._headers.set('Proxy-Connection', 'keep-alive'); var auth = this._url.auth && Buffer.from(this._url.auth, 'utf8').toString('base64'); if (auth) this._headers.set('Proxy-Authorization', 'Basic ' + auth); }; util.inherits(Proxy, Stream); var instance = { setHeader: function(name, value) { if (this._state !== 0) return false; this._headers.set(name, value); return true; }, start: function() { if (this._state !== 0) return false; this._state = 1; var origin = this._origin, port = origin.port || PORTS[origin.protocol], start = 'CONNECT ' + origin.hostname + ':' + port + ' HTTP/1.1'; var headers = [start, this._headers.toString(), '']; this.emit('data', Buffer.from(headers.join('\r\n'), 'utf8')); return true; }, pause: function() { this._paused = true; }, resume: function() { this._paused = false; this.emit('drain'); }, write: function(chunk) { if (!this.writable) return false; this._http.parse(chunk); if (!this._http.isComplete()) return !this._paused; this.statusCode = this._http.statusCode; this.headers = this._http.headers; if (this.statusCode === 200) { this.emit('connect', new Base.ConnectEvent()); } else { var message = "Can't establish a connection to the server at " + this._origin.href; this.emit('error', new Error(message)); } this.end(); return !this._paused; }, end: function(chunk) { if (!this.writable) return; if (chunk !== undefined) this.write(chunk); this.readable = this.writable = false; this.emit('close'); this.emit('end'); }, destroy: function() { this.end(); } }; for (var key in instance) Proxy.prototype[key] = instance[key]; module.exports = Proxy;