<?php /** Includes **/ include_once('./config.php'); //Autoloader $files = scandir('./app/class/'); $files = array_diff($files, array( '.', '..', 'app', 'ChartJS.php', 'ChartJS_Line.php', 'ChartManager.php', 'DashboardManager.php', 'Partial.php', 'Form.php', 'Route.php', 'Template.php', 'Ajax.php', )); foreach($files as $file) { include './app/class/'. $file; } //Allow acces only wia Curl, Ajax ETC $restAcess = 'XMLHttpRequest' == ( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ?? '' ); if (!$restAcess){ header('Location: ./'); } //Log $logManager = new LogManager(); //DB Conector Db::connect (DBHOST, DBUSER, DBPASS, DBNAME); //Read API data $json = file_get_contents('php://input'); $obj = json_decode($json, true); //zabespecit proti Ddosu if (isset($obj['user']) && $obj['user'] != ''){ //user at home $user = UserManager::getUser($obj['user']); if (!empty($user)) { $userId = $user['user_id']; $atHome = $obj['atHome']; UserManager::atHome($userId, $atHome); $logManager->write("[Record] user " . $userId . "changet his home state to " . $atHome . RECORDTIMOUT , LogRecordType::WARNING); echo 'Saved: ' . $atHome; header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); die(); } } //Filtrování IP adress if (DEBUGMOD != 1) { if (!in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], HOMEIP)) { echo json_encode(array( 'state' => 'unsuccess', 'errorMSG' => "Using API from your IP insnt alowed!", )); header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"); $logManager->write("[API] acces denied from " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], LogRecordType::WARNING); exit(); } } //automationExecution try { AutomationManager::executeAll(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $logManager->write("[Automation] Something happen during automation execution", LogRecordType::ERROR); } //Record Cleaning try { RecordManager::clean(RECORDTIMOUT); } catch (\Exception $e) { $logManager->write("[Record] cleaning record older that " . RECORDTIMOUT , LogRecordType::ERROR); } //Variables $token = $obj['token']; $values = null; if (isset($obj['values'])) { $values = $obj['values']; } //Checks if ($token == null || $token == "") { echo json_encode(array( 'state' => 'unsuccess', 'errorMSG' => "Missing Value Token in JSON payload", )); header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"); die(); } //Vstupní Checky if (!DeviceManager::registeret($token)) { $notificationData = [ 'title' => 'Info', 'body' => 'New device Detected', 'icon' => '', ]; $deviceId = DeviceManager::create($token, $token); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if (!SubDeviceManager::getSubDeviceByMaster($deviceId, $key)) { SubDeviceManager::create($deviceId, $key, UNITS[$key]); } } //Notification for newly added Device $subscribers = $notificationMng::getSubscription(); foreach ($subscribers as $key => $subscriber) { $logManager->write("[NOTIFICATION] SENDING TO" . $subscriber['id'] . " "); $notificationMng::sendSimpleNotification(SERVERKEY, $subscriber['token'], $notificationData); } header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"); echo json_encode(array( 'state' => 'unsuccess', 'errorMSG' => "Device not registeret", )); $logManager->write("[API] Registering Device", LogRecordType::INFO); exit(); } if (!DeviceManager::approved($token)) { header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"); echo json_encode(array( 'state' => 'unsuccess', 'errorMSG' => "Unaproved Device", )); exit(); } // Subdevices first data! if ($values != null || $values != "") { //ZAPIS $device = DeviceManager::getDeviceByToken($token); $deviceId = $device['device_id']; foreach ($values as $key => $value) { if (!SubDeviceManager::getSubDeviceByMaster($deviceId, $key)) { SubDeviceManager::create($deviceId, $key, UNITS[$key]); } RecordManager::create($deviceId, $key, round($value['value'],2)); $logManager->write("[API] Device_ID " . $deviceId . " writed value " . $key . ' ' . $value['value'], LogRecordType::INFO); //notification if ($key == 'door' || $key == 'water') { $notificationMng = new NotificationManager; $notificationData = []; switch ($key) { case 'door': $notificationData = [ 'title' => 'Info', 'body' => 'Someone just open up '.$device['name'], 'icon' => '', ]; break; case 'water': $notificationData = [ 'title' => 'Alert', 'body' => 'Wather leak detected by '.$device['name'], 'icon' => '', ]; break; } if ($notificationData != []) { $subscribers = $notificationMng::getSubscription(); foreach ($subscribers as $key => $subscriber) { $logManager->write("[NOTIFICATION] SENDING TO" . $subscriber['id'] . " "); $notificationMng::sendSimpleNotification(SERVERKEY, $subscriber['token'], $notificationData); } } } } $hostname = strtolower($device['name']); $hostname = str_replace(' ', '_', $hostname); $jsonAnswer = [ 'device' => [ 'hostname' => $hostname, ], 'state' => 'succes', ]; $subDevicesTypeList = SubDeviceManager::getSubDeviceSTypeForMater($deviceId); if (!in_array($subDevicesTypeList, ['on/off', 'door', 'water'])) { $jsonAnswer['sleepTime'] = $device['sleep_time']; } echo json_encode($jsonAnswer); header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); } else { //Vypis //TODO: doděla uložení výpisu jinými slovy zda li byl comman vykonán $device = DeviceManager::getDeviceByToken($token); $deviceId = $device['device_id']; if (count(SubDeviceManager::getAllSubDevices($deviceId)) == 0) { SubDeviceManager::create($deviceId, 'on/off', UNITS[$key]); //RecordManager::create($deviceId, 'on/off', 0); } $subDeviceId = SubDeviceManager::getAllSubDevices($deviceId)[0]['subdevice_id']; $subDeviceLastReord = RecordManager::getLastRecord($subDeviceId); $subDeviceLastReordValue = $subDeviceLastReord['value']; if ($subDeviceLastReord['execuded'] == 0){ $logManager->write("[API] subDevice id ".$subDeviceId . " executed comand with value " .$subDeviceLastReordValue . " record id " . $subDeviceLastReord['record_id'] . " executed " . $subDeviceLastReord['execuded']); RecordManager::setExecuted($subDeviceLastReord['record_id']); } echo json_encode(array( 'device' => [ 'hostname' => $device['name'], 'sleepTime' => $device['sleep_time'], ], 'state' => 'succes', 'value' => $subDeviceLastReordValue )); header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK"); } unset($logManager); Db::disconect(); die();